Survey on electronic visibility in Swiss airspace

In general aviation, flights are predominantly flown in visual flight conditions (VMC), whereby the principle of “see and be seen” or “see and avoid” applies. This still leads to risky situations and in some cases even to mid-air collisions.
Increasing electronic visibility
There are already various electronic collision warning systems and apps on the market for general aviation. However, not all of them are compatible with each other. The aim of the Future Aviation Surveillance Services and Technologies (FASST-CH) working group is to enable the best possible electronic visibility and support pilots in the use of “See & Avoid”.
We need your information
To this end, it has created a short survey to obtain information from you about which devices and systems for electronic visibility and collision avoidance are already being used in everyday aviation. We would like to encourage you to take part in this 5-minute survey. The aim is to find practicable solutions for all airspace users. We will inform you of the results of the survey in due course. Thank you for your participation until September 1, 2024 (extended until September 8).
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