Save-the-date: Flight Safety Dialogue 2025

The Flight Safety Dialog 2025 will take place on March 27, 2025, 18:00 CET at Skyguide Dübendorf and via livestream. An exciting and varied program on the topic of safety awaits you.
Please save the date. An invitation with a registration form will be available at a later date at and stay, as well as through other channels.
We look forward to your participation!
* The Flight Safety Dialogue is an annual event organized by the Flight Safety Alliance Switzerland (FSA). In addition to FFAC, Skyguide, BAZL (staysafe), the AeCS and the AOPA, more and more organizations involved in aviation are taking part. The aim of the FSA is to create a broad network to establish a continuous “flight safety” process for GA pilots and commercial pilots without an AOC.
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