– new look, new functions, more content

Jack Hemings AFC, a 102-year-old former RAF Squadron Leader, has become the oldest man to fly a Spitfire plane.

Stay Safe was launched around 10 years ago as a safety promotion campaign for general aviation in Switzerland with a website. Since then, additional social media channels have been opened up as feeders, hundreds of articles and videos have been published, dozens of competitions and quizzes have been launched and thousands of pilots have been provided with safety-related information. Its reach now extends beyond the borders of Switzerland.

Pilots not only have a passion for flying, but also for sharing their experiences with like-minded people. The focus of is therefore not only the dissemination of information; the exchange between like-minded people, regardless of age and origin, is just as important. Especially in the field of safety, sharing experiences and knowledge is valuable and makes aviation safer.


More topics, more content
For our anniversary year, we have given Stay Safe a makeover and given it a thorough overhaul. With a modern look and new functionalities, the internet platform will offer the community even more in future. For example, new sections such as Safety Media & Documents, Dates, Links and Safety content from third-party providers. We will be adding further content, documents and videos to these areas over the coming months. There is also a new option to create a profile with your personal interests. Our system will automatically inform you when new posts appear. Commitment to aviation
The revised logo and the future publication of all posts in English as well as German, French and Italian now expresses the clear affiliation to aviation even better. In this way, we hope to gain more followers in Europe and beyond for the Staysafe community. Because: The sky has no limit!

We wish you an exciting journey of discovery on our homepage. If you have any questions or comments about important dates or content, please contact us.

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